Obtaining A Visum Für Australien Is Hassle Free

Australia is a beautiful country and there are ample of opportunities for the immigrants. Getting a Visum für Australien is not difficult when the proper approaches are taken. The land provides immigration facilities to both skilled and unskilled people. Again a large number of refugee visum is also offered. There remain plenty of reasons for which people want initiate the process of Auswanderung nach Australien. Auswandern is the process of leaving the native country to settle in a different nation. It is interesting to find that before the political boundaries were set, people used to migrate to different lands to live better. Still, today we human beings are having the habit to search a better lifestyle.

There are plenty of migration agents who make the process of Australia visa application easier. Still the question remains, how to find a suitable migration agent that caters services in local language.  An individual from Germany usually seeks German based services. The solution is simple, it is heartening that there are different immigration agents who help to migrate or immigrate to Australia. The entire visum filing and application process can be completed with the help of the different migration lawyers and agents. Hunting a suitable migration agent is possible just by searching through popular search engine Google.

There are specific point systems that an immigration applicant needs to fulfill and the visum types can be of varied types. There are plenty of online portals and discussion forums that help us to know more regarding Migration Australia and associated processes. The Visa of Australia is usually a stamp in the Passport or International travel pass. In case of issues it is best to remain adhered to the conditions and terms set by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Activities (DIMA). DIMA determines whether an applicant is eligible to get PR or not. PR resembles permanent residency and once a person is a permanent resident, he or she can stay and work in Australia for indefinite span of time.

The migration lawyers help to obtain a Visum für Australien and help to initiate an application process under a specific skill section. So, while applying for a Visum für Australien it is necessary to seek help from proper immigration lawyers. Australia visa processing time can largely differ depending upon the cases and category of skill of the applicant. There are different ways of communication and it is prudent to consider that web based communication is best in this era of online communication. Moreover, while planning of Auswandern nach Australien it is prudent to consider online option as Australia as a nation first initiated e-commerce.

The ideal immigration agent or lawyer can be located with a little self research. As plenty of people from Germany are applying for residency in Australia, Australia visa providing agencies have launched sites in German language for convenience of the applicants. The entire immigration process can be done online but at the time of interview the original testimonials might be required for comparison. The entire process of obtaining Australia visum becomes easier with the intervention of the immigration agents, and thus without hassles people can land up in the beautiful country with ease.

Immigrants Set Record With More to Come

AS Australia celebrates the population meter ticking over to 21 million, a record immigration figure for a financial year is expected to escalate the population boom. A spokeswoman for Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews said the projected target of up to 148,000 new immigrants for 2006-07 would be met once the figures were tallied. It represents one of the greatest immigration influxes in decades. Aided by a rising number of births, Australia is experiencing a rise in population numbers not seen since the two most significant boom periods, after World War II and in the 1980s.

The secretary of the Department of Immigration, Andrew Metcalfe, had already hailed the previous year's growth as a record. In the department's annual report, he commended the outcome for 2005-06 of 143,000 new migrants as "the largest migration program for several decades". This year's intake and projections for coming years suggest the increase will continue. The Government is aiming to accept 152,800 new migrants in 2007-08, a far cry from the low immigration stance it adopted on coming to power in 1996.

After huge immigration numbers during Bob Hawke's years as prime minister in the 1980s, his successor Paul Keating slashed immigration in his first year as prime minister. The rapid increase in immigration has been fuelled by a growing skills shortage. The Government has altered the mix of the immigration program to focus on attracting more skilled migrants. Two-thirds of those expected to settle permanently this year and next will fall under the skilled migration category. Visa for Australia and Australia Visa Application made easy! Australian Working Visa made possible to easily have one!

Main Visa Options for Working Holiday Makers in Australia

Main Visa Options for Working Holiday Makers in Australia - subclass 417 visas

This article sets out in simple terms the main Australian visas that are available to a working holiday traveller in Australia. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list but a useful summary giving guidance on some key visa options .

Understanding your options
The first step is to categorise each visa. Determine whether the visa is an independent visa option, obtainable by the applicant alone? Or does the visa require the sponsorship of an employer, spouse, family member or state body for the visa to be granted? Then work out whether the visa is a visa to remain in Australia permanently or temporarily.

Once you have categorised the visas in this way you can then look at the rights that attach to each visa to see whether the visa will help you achieve your goals in coming to or remaining in Australia, e.g. does the visa allow me to work, part time or full time, for who, doing what? Can I study? Can I live anywhere etc? Categorising visas in this way will allow you to work out the best visa option for you depending on your goals and personal circumstances. What options are then available will vary depending on your skills, work experience, qualifications, financial resources and / or whether you are able to gain the support of a sponsor to back you in your application.

Independent Permanent Migration - subclass 175

General skilled Migration – The points test.

A permanent residency (permanent residency) visa is the most beneficial visa to apply for as it allows you to remain permanently in Australia to live, work and study and to gain Australian citizenship. To be eligible for permanent residence you will need to have formal qualifications and at least 12 months work experience in your trade or profession in the 24 months immediately before your application is lodged. Before you lodge your application you will need to have your qualifications and / or skills positively assessed by a designated assessing body and achieve 120 points to satisfy the points test for this visa.

Points are awarded to an applicant on the basis of, among other things, professional qualifications, work experience, age, English language ability and time working in Australia. Calculating your points accurately and categorising your occupation correctly is the key to successfully applying for this visa. An error in either of these areas often leads to the visa being refused and the applicant, rather than gaining permanent residency, having to leave Australia.

With this visa you can live and work anywhere in Australia and are not tied to a sponsor or employer. If you seek permanent residency and do not score sufficient points to emigrate independently, then regional sponsored migration may be an option that you explore after your working holiday visa expires.

Sponsored Permanent Migration

General Skilled Migration with Sponsorship - subclass 176 visa and subclass 475 visa

Again, you must have qualifications and work experience to be eligible for permanent sponsored migration on the basis of points. However, you will either need less points, or gain points for being sponsored, to achieve permanent residency through this visa stream. Being sponsored usually means you have to live and work for 2 years (as a standard rule) in an area related to your sponsor. For example if you are sponsored by a family member, you will have to live in the town or city they live, if you are sponsored by a state government, you will have to live in that state.

Remember parts of regional Australia are some of the most beautiful parts of Australia and offer great lifestyles and opportunities for people that emigrate through this visa stream. Your immigration lawyer or migration agent should be able to assist in obtaining state sponsorship or you can apply directly to each state usually through their websites. After you have spent the 2 years working and living in the designated area, you will then be able to gain an unconditional permanent residence visa to move and live anywhere you wish in Australia.

Sponsored Temporary

Sponsored Working Visa - Subclass 457 visa

If permanent residency is not available to you at this stage, then a temporary working visa may allow you to live and work in Australia until another permanent residence option opens up for you. If you can’t satisfy the points test but have qualifications, work experience and an employer willing to sponsor you, then this may be the most suitable visa for you. If granted this visa, you will have to work for the sponsoring employer for the period of the visa (usually 4 years) or until the employer ends your employment or withdraws their sponsorship or both. If this occurs, then you will usually be given some time to find new employment and a new sponsor to support you to apply for a new subclass 457 visa. However, without a sponsor you will not be able to remain in Australia on this visa.

There are two distinct stages to this visa application. Firstly, the employer applies for approval as a sponsor and when approved, nominates your for the visa. You then make an application for the visa in the nominated occupation. To be eligible you must have qualifications and work experience relevant to the occupation in which you have been nominated. You must also satisfy the relevant English language requirement - either by being from an English speaking country or sitting an IELTS exam.

For your employer to be approved as a sponsor they must employ Australian citizens or permanent residents (at least 2 as a general rule), have good financials and be able to prove it and a good training record or commitment to training, Very new businesses will find it a little more difficult to gain approval to sponsor employees but certainly not impossible with a well drafted and complete application. There are a number of benefits that flow from being sponsored on a temporary working visa, subclass 457.

After 2 years on this visa and 12 months with an employer, your employer can nominate you directly for permanent residence - subclass 856 visa. Once granted, you have no obligation to remain with the employer and can move on to work anywhere. This is why employers often prefer to keep employees on a subclass 457 visa to retain control of their services, rather than helping them get permanent residence and losing them to another employer offering more money or better conditions.

Also, after working in Australia full time on this visa for at least 12 months, you will be eligible for 10 Australian work experience points, which may give you enough points to apply for permanent residency independently. You may also gain points in other areas due to the passage of time and changes in your circumstances.

Independent Temporary

Student Visas – Rights to Study Full Time and Work Part Time.

If you have no skills or qualifications, or can’t find an employer sponsor, or wish to strive for a new career, student visas are a very good, and may be your only, visa option to consider if you are on a working holiday subclass 417 visa. Student visas are a good option because international students, after satisfying the ‘2-year Australian study’ requirement, are eligible to apply for permanent residence. They will still have to satisfy the points test but if they do not have enough points, they are able to apply for a temporary 18-month work visa for the goal of gaining further points from Australian work experience, then pass the points test and ultimately apply for permanent residence.

UK, Ireland, Canada and USA passport holders, which are all level 1 countries, can apply for a student visa in Australia while on a working holiday visa whereas most other passport holders will have to leave Australia to apply. Countries are given a level (or grading) according to the perceived risk a prospective student from a particular country has of breaching student visa conditions. A student visa allows you to study full time and work 20 hours per week during semester, 40 hours per week during holiday periods and term breaks. The key to this visa option is, if your goal is permanent residence, to pick a course of study that when completed allows you to apply for a permanent visa with an occupational qualification that will –

a) Give you enough points in your circumstances to satisfy the relevant points test, and

b) Offers strong employment opportunities either in Australia or your home country or both.

Any good Australian immigration lawyer should be able to give you this kind of direction when choosing your course of study.

Spouse Visas - Sponsored Temporary to Permanent

Married, De facto and Same Sex Couples - subclass 820 / 801 visa, subclass 826 / 814

If you have been in a relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealander, and have lived with them for at least 12 months then you will be eligible to apply for a spouse visa on the basis of your de facto relationship. Same sex couples can also apply for an interdependency visa. The Department of Immigration is very inflexible on this point and if you do not have 12 months living together as de facto partners then you will not be eligible.

If you are married, you can apply on the basis of being married. If granted the visa, you will initially be given a 2-year temporary visa. After 2 years, if the relationship is still ongoing and your partner still sponsors you, you will be eligible for a permanent residence visa.

The challenge to successfully applying for this visa is being able to prove your relationship is genuine and that you have lived together for at least 12 months immediately before the date of your application. This is best achieved by providing a large bundle of documents as evidence including, phone records, emails, leases, household bills, photos, etc. This can be hard if you have been travelling all over Australia, living in variety of places and arrangements, paying cash for everything with very little by way of a paper trail. Without this paper trail, you stand little chance of success.

In this case, and if you have no other options, you can consider applying for a prospective marriage visa (sublcass 300) or getting married. Remember though, simply being married does not guarantee you that the visa will be granted. The ultimate problem with spouse visas is if the relationship ends before you gain permanent residency so does your right to hold the visa and remain in Australia on the basis of your de facto or spouse relationship. Extending your work holiday visa by 12 months - second subclass 417 working holiday visa. Most working holidaymakers are eligible to extend their visa for a further 12-month stay in Australia.

This is achieved by working for 3 months (88 days) in regional Australia (designated post code areas) in a specified occupation or employment. It is now wrong now to use the term ‘seasonal work’ as the list of occupations available to work in to be eligible for extending your visa is now far broader. The great benefit from achieving the 12-month extension, apart from seeing more of Australia, is that it gives you further time to develop other visa options to stay in Australia. Remember though, if you want to extend, don’t leave it to late. You must find work, allow for periods where you can’t work of can’t find work and you must complete your 3-months and apply for your extension of your working holiday visa before your first subclass 417 visa expires. Otherwise, the opportunity to get the 2nd year on your visa is lost.

Get on to the Right Immigration Company

Applying for an immigration status is not that simple like what some people thinks of. Visa application is very arduous, and choosing the right application is critical. Since there are one hundred fifty subclasses of visas in over eighty classes, to know and select which is the best needs an expert knowledge. It is best to have an expert determine which sub class is suitable or fitted. There are options and issues attached to each visa application, designing and planning the best strategy helps reach the desired outcome.

Well established immigration companies have handled various number of applications, they are exposed to it more than the newbie companies. With this, they advise the applicants with possible dangers and opportunities they may not be aware of, a missing part in the newbie companies. Knowing that application is in the same hand is one advantage of choosing the right immigration company. A person doesn't want to be screwed with a fake immigration company. It is annoying to deal with someone who just dig for gold yet leave you behind like a quacking duckling. Choosing the right immigration company from day one will minimize human error and save one from possible danger of being caught up with fake agents.

Employees of top immigration companies are themselves experts and have experiences as economic migrants. They are the best people to deal with and are highly qualified and accredited. Each agent employed has a specific designation. Aside from getting a first hand advice from experts, right immigration companies have greater certainty of outcome. Since they are well established in the society, they are likely to be more reliable and trusted to deal with. This results to a more positive outcome in the process.

The great thing of choosing the right immigration companies in Australia is the chance to have a connection with the jobs and everything possible before landing to the place. Immigration agents have tie ups with big job search companies who at the same time give the applicant options to choose. Since established Australian Immigration are more trusted by the authority, it creates an aura of reliability. Australian visas are conveniently processed . Choosing the right immigration in Australia is a must. If not chosen well, it all makes the effort go down the drain and the hope of Australian migration will just be another mirage. It is best that before applying, a little research would be great to check out the immigration service the Australian immigration company can give. This make immigration to Australia worthwhile.

A right Australian Immigration Company is someone who provide more than just a means to getting a stamp in the passport. In immigration getting the right immigration company is one of the most fundamental parts of preparation. Even in relocation to another country to start a new life choosing the right immigration consultancy is essential. Whether you’re immigrating to Australia, relocating to the UK or setting up to live and work in the USA, the need to know that having the the right team is at your side. With the right immigration company applicants are kept in the driving seat.

International Students common questions about Australian Visas and Immigration answered

How do the new student visa integrity measures affect international students? What are the Changes? The main changes are around showing sufficient funds to study in Australia. There are two separate measures in relation to this:

1.      Funds for living costs have increased from $1,000 per month to $1,500 per month. As a result, the amount of funds you need to show for a student visa extension may be much higher than you needed to show for your initial student visa

2.      Students must show that they can actually access the funds shown. For example, if relying on bank accounts held by a relative, the Department of Immigration (DIAC) will often ask that you show that funds have actually been transferred to your account. If relying on a loan, DIAC may require you to show that the funds have been released to a bank account over which you have access.

However, it's not all bad news. People undertaking research qualifications (ie masters by research and PhD) will now be at either Assessment Level 1 or 2 (Assessment Level 1 being the best). This will mean that the amount of funds you need to show might not be as high as for other types of qualifications. Can subject choice improve your chances of immigration?

At the moment, if you have an occupation on the Critical Skills List (CSL), your application will be processed significantly faster than if you are not on the CSL. Examples of occupations on the CSL include secondary school teachers, nurses, engineers and accountants (provided you either have a minimum 7 in IELTS or have completed a professional year).

However, the rules for skilled migration are due to change significantly. The Department of Immigration is concerned that students have been choosing courses which are good for immigration, not in occupations which they intend to work in the future. There has been a significant growth in the vocational sector in particular - in courses such as hairdressing and cookery - which have until now been good for migration. In addition, the Department of Immigration is giving higher and higher priority to employer sponsored applications. As a result, the best advice is to do a course which you are genuinely interested in and in which you have a good chance of obtaining employment in Australia. When is the new Skilled Occupations List coming out? When will it come into effect?

Skills Australia has reported to the Department of Immigration on their recommendations for the new list on 30 April 2010. However, the suggested list was not released at this time. The Department of Immigration has announced that the list will be published in May 2010. The list is due to come into effect in "mid 2010". Many have speculated that this means 1 July 2010, but there has been no confirmation of the exact date. It is possible that the list will come into effect at the same time as it is announced.

The current Skilled Occupations List has some 400 occupations on it. Our best guess is that the new list will have around 200 occupations on it. Skills Australia produced a list called the specialised occupations list. It is possible that this will form the basis of the new skilled occupations list. The specialized occupations list included the following types of occupations:
  • Building & Engineering
  • Medical - doctors, nurses
  • School teachers & academics
  • Accountants and Auditors (CPA or equivalent)
  • Legal Professionals

There are only a few trade occupations on the list, and the future of students completing vocational courses in Australia is far from clear. What happens if I am not on the new Skilled Occupations List?

If your occupation is not on the new SOL, it is still possible to apply for:
  • A skilled graduate subclass 485 visa
  • State nominated skilled visas
  • Employer sponsorship

Unless you had already applied for a graduate skilled visa as of the 8th of February 2010, you will only be able to apply for the following types of visa if you are on the new list:
  • Skilled independent
  • Family sponsored skilled visas

So you should still be able to apply for a graduate skilled visa after your course is finished, providing you meet the necessary requirements, even if you are not on the new SOL. Once on the graduate skilled visa, you have full work rights for 18 months. Provided you find either an employer or state government willing to sponsor you during this time, you can still apply for permanent residence. How are the points calculated?

The main elements of the current points test are:

1.      Occupation: either 40, 50 or 60 points
2.      Age: 30 if you are under 30, down to 15 if you are between 40 and 44
3.      English language ability: 25 for IELTS 7 minimum, or 15 if 6 minimum
4.      Study in Australia: 5 for a course taking 2 years, up to 25 if you have completed a PhD in Australia
5.      Work experience in Australia: 10 for working in your occupation for a year or 10 for completing a professional year
6.      Skilled Spouse: 5 points
7.      Language other than English: 5 if you have passed the NAATI test as a translator or interpreter, or have a degree taught in the language
8.      State Nomination: 10 points

Note that the Department of Immigration is conducting a review of the points test. Recommendations are due in June 2010, and the following changes have been discussed:
  • Making all occupations worth the same number of points
  • Giving more points for higher levels of English
  • Giving more points for longer periods of employment
  • Increasing spouse skills points

What are the specific procedures for general skilled migration application?

There are generally 3-4 main stages of the application:

1.      Skills Assessment: this is a process of having your qualifications assessed, and in some cases you also need to provide evidence of English and work experience. The exact procedure depends on your occupation. Generally this takes 2-3 months to complete and you must have a completed skills assessment to apply for a permanent general skilled migration visa

2.      Skilled Graduate Subclass 485 visa: because the skills assessment can take some time, many students will need to apply for a 485 visa to ensure that they have enough time to complete the necessary processes to apply for their permanent skilled visas. A 485 visa requires you to have completed a qualification taking 2 years of study in Australia, 6 minimum for IELTS and to have lodged your application for skills assessment.

3.      State Nomination: This is an optional process, but may be necessary if you do not otherwise have sufficient points to qualify. It can also significantly speed up processing of your application. Generally, the state will require a skills assessment and evidence of English. States have different criteria, and some also require evidence of funds to settle in Australia, work experience in the state, and in some cases study or residence in the state.

4.      Permanent Skilled Application: for this you'll need a completed skills assessment, evidence of English, health and police checks and evidence of your studies in Australia. This stage is currently relatively fast if you have a CSL occupation, but can take 2-3 years if you are not on the CSL.

What is the minimum required mark in the dreaded IELTS test?

This will depend on which visa type you are trying to apply for:
  • Skilled Independent: to meet the pass mark, you'll need a minimum of 7 in all 4 components unless you have previous work experience (Proficient English)
  • Skilled Graduate: a minimum of 6 in all 4 components (Competent English)
  • Skilled Regional Sponsored: average of 6 (Concessional Competent English)
  • Employer Nomination Scheme: minimum of 5 in all 4 components (Vocational English)
  • Regional Skilled Migration Scheme: average of 4.5 (Functional English)

Most types of application require you to show the level of English at the date of application - so you need to plan ahead and make sure you don't leave your English test till the last minute.

Note also that some skills assessing authorities require a higher level of English. For example, accountants will need to show that they have at least 7 in all 4 components of the Academic IELTS from 1 July 2010.
What are the compulsory requirements for student visas and the Do's and Do-not's of a student visa?

There are a number of very important student conditions you need to comply with. Non-compliance with these conditions can result in cancellation of you student visa:
  • Work Restriction 8105: This allows you to work for 20 hours per week during semester and full time in semester break. The work rights start once you commence your course. After completion of your course, you can generally work full time if you have applied for an onshore skilled visa.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress 8202: This requires you to maintain your enrollment, attend your classes and pass your assignments. In some circumstances (eg health reasons), it is possible to defer for a semester, but in most cases, the Department of Immigration will expect you to depart Australia during the deferral
  • Notify Change of Address 8533: You need to tell your education provider within 7 days if you change address. This is important as any correspondence from the Department of Immigration will also be sent to the last address you gave to your education provider

Australia migration consultants clarify visa processing timelines and nuances

It is common that there remain a wide array of benefits after immigration, the country that receive people and allow them to settle definitely plans for betterment of its population. Australia migration is a very lucrative option and now people from different corners of the planet are pouring into Australia as the hunt for a peaceful place of stay ends with this country. Thousands of Australia visa seekers also file their applications to enter the country to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. There remain a wide array of Commonwealth services that Australian statutory body Centrelink offers to the permanent residents and citizens. Getting a suitable job and validating a skill set become much easier in Australia and for this Auswanderung nach is Australia is much in demand.

People from different European nations are eying to enter Australia as Australia migration has been an attractive option for the common people who manage a moderate life in European nations. Similarly in South Africa and Asia, it is dream of many people to stay and work in Australia. For applying immigration it is a good idea to initiate the process with the help of experts. There remain many immigration lawyers and consultants in the city of Sydney and these consultants make the immigration application hassle free.

In-depth guidance clubbed with post landing assistance really helps the immigrants. The time of processing a Visum für Australien might differ as per skill set of the applicants. For accurate information it is best to directly get in touch with a immigration consultant. Most of the popular immigration consultants offer online services and mails are reverted back with information. The bouquet of special benefits associated to Australia migration is provided by the reputed immigration consultants. It is great to plan for immigration to the country with higher gross domestic production and per capita income is much higher than leading nations like United Kingdom, United States and France.

With the growing economy of the nation, demand of the skilled workforce constantly goes uphill. Australia is again a much sought after destination for both skilled and unskilled workforce. The multicultural nation ensures equal opportunity for all employees. Indeed heartening to note that plenty of South African professionals are coming down to Australia. Obtaining a tourist Visum für Australien is not an issue, it is processed much faster. If you are an investor it is possible to visit the nation to carry forward your further plans of relocating.

During Auswanderung nach Australien it is advisable to provide all the necessary testimonials whenever required. The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Activities ensure a hassle free online application process as well. The immigration consultants further makes the application process easier just against a nominal fee. Timescale of each application might differ as the processing period is always different for applicants from different skill set. It is a good idea to punch in the telephone number of a suitable immigration consultant or lawyer. All reputed immigration providers offer prompt customer care. Online articles inform and educate us better and help to initiate the right move. Knowing the nuances of the several visa categories and visa types is possible with the Australia migration consultants.

How to go About Australian Work Visas or Australian Immigration?

Have you ever thought of migrating yourself from your country to any other countries like Australia, UK, US, South Africa etc. If you are planning for migrating to Australia or applying for the Australian Work Visas following are the points which you need to consider. Let us talk about the Australian Economy; it’s never been so strong and continuously looking for the skilled employees with a varied specialization in all the areas of business. You can always hire a consultant for your Australian immigration to see if you are qualifying the Australian emigration eligibility. If you are seeking for the Australian Work Visas or the qualification which will be required to immigrate to Australia then it is important to know that there is a point system for applying for the skilled visa.

About Australian Immigration for that also you need to fill up the form online and to see whether you satisfy the Australian Immigration points system or not set out by the Australian Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs.  If you satisfy the points or qualify for the Australian Immigration then also it is not necessary and doest guarantee your eligibility but it does satisfy your basic criteria. There are many types of visas available to migrate to Australia; for details related to that you can quickly review the services Australian Immigration Visa Services. But keep in mind that they continuously change their criteria’s for the immigration so it is very necessary to keep updated related to that because many a times due to change in the policy we may get rejected if we do not update and do not produce any certificate at the time of visa interview.

Getting working visas for Australia is not a difficult task because Australia is in continuously in need of skilled employees whether on the permanent basis or the temporary basis and are all based on points needed to immigrate to Australia as set out by the Australian Immigration Department. If you want to settle in Australia with your family then you should have a sponsored letter from the citizen of Australia, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, and would usually be 18 years of age or older. The sponsor letter can be issued by the close family member fiancé (e) living in Australia. Your application to immigrate to Australia can be done online. 

If you want to visit Australia as a visitor, tourist or for the business trip  then also you can apply for that just that you need to have visa or the electronic travel authority. They will allow you to spend upto 3 months in Australia and you are free to travel anywhere in the Australia. You can apply online and there is no need to go out from your place to apply for it. There are many other types of  Australian Immigration visas are there which we have not discussed over here they are – Australian working holiday visa, business and investment visas, retirement visas and so on. You can always choose the best option for your immigration.

Land of Paradise: Australia

What is it the secret behind Australia that captivates the heart of many travelers and attracts them to take and experience their holiday vacation down under. Is it their great natural resources, their stunning cities with having famous edifice, structures and wonderful beaches? Or is it their great cuisine and wine, their best hotel and accommodation and friendly Australian people? Whatever the reason is, Australia is still considered as one of the most well-known tourist destinations in the world, with having everything a traveler wants to do and see during a holiday. 

Spending a vacation down under with your loved ones is truly worthwhile and meaningful because of its beautiful and scenic spots that can be seen here, so you'll never go wrong choosing this country as your perfect holiday destination. In fact, most tourists consider Australia as a "Land Paradise Down Under" because you could feel like you're in a heaven's paradise while traveling around this country. With its crystal clear beaches, amazing sunshine coast, wildlife natural parks, tall and adventurous mountains, you can really have more time for yourself to unwind and relax.

Choosing what places to visit in Australia is difficult to decide with so many point of interesting attractions it has. It's also sometimes quite confusing just to know where would you start first your journey since most of its cities have their own outstanding and awesome tourist spots. One of its highly acclaimed and much appreciated tourist destinations is Sydney. This city is famous for its countless natural beauty and splendid landmarks and historical structures like "Sydney Harbor Bridge" which is known as one of the most recognizable man-made structures in the world and "Sydney Opera House" which is renowned for its exquisite architecture. 

One of the best places to find world-class theatre, ballet and musical productions in Australia. It also has Darling Harbour and Sydney Tower which have trendy restaurants and other exciting places awaiting your discovery. Sydney also has spectacular beaches such as Bondi, Cronolla, Chinamans and Balmoral Beach that make you experience the heart warming glimpses of the sunrise and sunset. And if you're looking for some adventurous activities, these beaches can also offer you some hair-raising adventure sports that include scuba diving, surfing, sailing, diving, boating and cruising.

Aside from Sydney, you shouldn't also miss to visit Melbourne which is known for its glittering shopping malls and stores. So if you do love shopping for yourself as well as for your loved ones, then this place is the right for you because there are many reasonably priced shopping malls here where you can shop until you drop. This city is also famous for its nightlife adventures because it offers great food festivals, art exhibitions and musical extravaganza. There are also other great cities to visit down under like Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Hobart and Darwin. These cities have also so much awesome attractions to offer that will make you enjoy everything you wish to discover and experience in your holiday vacation.

Indeed, Australia is a wonderful continent with hearth warming beauty and serenity that is unique to the other countries. Traveling around this country will truly give you a delightful experience because of its interesting things to offer to all types of traveler, either by land, air or water. You can really cover up here all the fun, pleasure, adventure you might need from a holiday vacation. And to make your visit in Australia possible, you'll be needing to have an Australian Travel Visa that will enable you to come to Australia for a short period of time. You can search online for Australia Immigration sites and be sure to choose for a reputable Australian Immigration Visa company that will provide you with comprehensive and affordable Australian Immigration Service. 

Choosing the right immigration site will also ensure you that you'll be given with the necessary immigration information to Australia and will assist you in all the requirements you needed for your migration to Australia. What is it the secret behind Australia that captivates the heart of many travelers and attracts them to take and experience their holiday vacation down under. Is it their great natural resources, their stunning cities with having famous edifice, structures and wonderful beaches? Or is it their great cuisine and wine, their best hotel and accommodation and friendly Australian people?

Whatever the reason is, Australia is still considered as one of the most well-known tourist destinations in the world, with having everything a traveler wants to do and see during a holiday. Spending a vacation down under with your loved ones is truly worthwhile and meaningful because of its beautiful and scenic spots that can be seen here, so you'll never go wrong choosing this country as your perfect holiday destination. In fact, most tourists consider Australia as a "Land Paradise Down Under" because you could feel like you're in a heaven's paradise while traveling around this country. With its crystal clear beaches, amazing sunshine coast, wildlife natural parks, tall and adventurous mountains, you can really have more time for yourself to unwind and relax.

Aside from Sydney, you shouldn't also miss to visit Melbourne which is known for its glittering shopping malls and stores. So if you do love shopping for yourself as well as for your loved ones, then this place is the right for you because there are many reasonably priced shopping malls here where you can shop until you drop. This city is also famous for its nightlife adventures because it offers great food festivals, art exhibitions and musical extravaganza.  There are also other great cities to visit down under like Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Hobart and Darwin. These cities have also so much awesome attractions to offer that will make you enjoy everything you wish to discover and experience in your holiday vacation.

Dreaming in Australia

Simply humbling. There is no other way to put it. Despite skyscrapers, theme parks, and other monuments of technological progress, Australia is still deeply rooted in its aboriginal culture and myths. In fact, Australia owes much of its charm and mystique to the daring aborigines who first settled in the land more than 40,000 years ago.

And thus Dreamtime began. As they explored the new land, the aborigines wove a set of beliefs about the origin of things around them. For them, humans, plants, animals, everything on earth is part of a complex network of relationship, all pointing to a bigger existence. We are all interconnected, and the littlest of our actions have an effect on everything. Sounds like heavy stuff, but it gets better. An interesting aspect of Dreamtime is its "all-at-onceness"; to Dream is to simultaneously exist in the past, present, and future. Linear time disappears, and what replaces it is a freer version of existence. If all these talk starts to become baffling, try thinking of Dreamtime as a guideline for living that the aborigines follow to maintain the web of life.

What's amazing about all these is that Dreamtime is still here, kept alive and ticking by the aboriginal citizens. It is one of the oldest continuous myth in our planet. It's time to think of Australia as something deeper than just plain beaches and surf.

Holiday Gifts you Simply Must Get From Australia

It's that time of the year again when people scurry to the malls and grab the first available merchandise on the shelf that could adequately pass for a gift. Yes, gift-giving is fun, but sometimes it becomes obligatory. Fortunately, the adage “It's the thought that counts”, still rings true. So, the next time you rummage for the perfect holiday gift, think hard. Or that may not even be necessary anymore since listed below are just some of the neat gifts exclusive to Australia which you could give your loved ones.

Boomerangs. Much better if they are the returning kind, since, of course, that's what they are made for. Boomerangs in Australia are personalized and engraved by authentic aboriginal artists, and each artwork is a masterpiece. Note that boomerangs are still a weapon though, so do your throwing only in a wide open area where there are no other people around. To throw a boomerang: simply hold in right hand almost vertically with arms pointing forward. Grip close to end with its rounded side facing you, then throw at approximately 30 degrees to wind direction, with a flicking, wrist-twist motion.

Animal plush toys. Koala, Platypus, Kangaroos, Wombats, Kookaburras, Emus, and lots of other animals only the Land Down Under has under its wings. Surely, everyone has a home in their heart for a stray adorable koala stuffed toy, or a charmingly behaved kangaroo doll. Digeridoos and Clapsticks. The didgeridoo is a musical instrument of the Aboriginal peoples, consisting of a long hollow branch or stick that makes a deep drone when blown. Clap sticks, meanwhile, accompany didgeridoos and provide the rythm to make the most brilliant earthen music. Both digeridoos and clapsticks are hand-painted and burnt by Aboriginal Artists, and they sound full and rich for any occasion.

Merino wool. Knitted into most gorgeous of clothings including hand-knitted sweaters and jackets, as well as beautiful soft blankets and bedding. Australia's 101 million merino sheep yields the longest, not to mention luscious wool fibres in the world. Always look for the Pure New Wool label to guarantee quality. Australian flowers. The warm Australian climate breeds an almost endless, lovely and exciting array of flowers: kangaroo paw, eucalyptus gumnut, banksia, peppercorn, leucosperum, and wattle, just to name a few. Freshly delivered to your loved one's doorsteps, a uniquely Australian bouquet of flowers sends all your warmest holiday greetings where no words can do. For best results, deliver your gifts personally. After all, it's the thought that may count, but your presence definitely speaks louder.

All you Need to Know When you Travel Australia's Outback

Australia prides itself with a diverse wildlife: kangaroos, koalas, possums, wallabies, potaroos, dugongs, kookaburras, arowana fishes, Tasmanian tigers, emus, platypus, spiders, scorpions, octopus, wobbegong shark, barracuda, jellyfish, stonefish, and stingrays--the name-dropping can go on forever. Yes, the Aussie wildlife is indeed endlessly fascinating. Take note though that we're talking wild creatures here, and many an Outback casualty have something to do with animals.

Snakes in your Tent

Don't worry, snakes don't usually wander into peoples' tents; after all they are every bit afraid of humans as we are of them. It should interest you to know though that Australia is renowned for having the most species of poisonous snakes in the world. And the venomous variety in Australia outnumbers its non-venomous ones. In case of a snakebite, it is most important that you stay still so the venom doesn't spread. Apply pressure to the bitten area, preferably with firm bandages, about as tight as you would bind a sprained ankle. Do not apply a tourniquet. Splint the whole area to immobilise. Then have someone drive you to the nearest hospital or doctor as quickly as possible. Remember, in Australia, the number for emergency services is ‘000'.


Waterholes or ‘billabongs’ that you may come across in your travel might look inviting especially in the sweltering sun, but unless you want to be buddy-buddy with crocodiles, DO NOT GO IN THE WATER. Australia's Saltwater Crocodile is the largest of its species and yes, they can and do kill humans. On the other hand, freshwater crocs rarely bother humans. In any case, signboards will warn about the presence of crocodiles in billabongs, lakes, and other bodies of water, but don’t always count on them. It's best not to go there for even a quick dip. Your travel guide should know about the safest swimming holes to go to.

Furry Animals

Sure, Taz of Looney Tunes, and cartoonized kangaroos, and other furry animals may seem cute and harmless on TV, but beware of them in real life. Kangaroos, for one, can pack a mighty kick with those back feet. And yes, they're handy with their paws as well. (No wonder they're often depicted wearing boxing gloves.) And then, there are the dingoes. They may look sweet, but they're still untamed, so have second thoughts when you feel tempted to pet them.